As a director of a building company, you can’t overlook your personal liability, especially when your company is deregistered. This article dives into a recent Queensland District Court decision that highlights how your personal assets could…
Queensland’s Trust Account Framework: The Latest Developments
Queensland’s construction industry is navigating significant changes with the introduction of the trust account framework under the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017. Understanding the requirements and recent amendments to this framework is essential…
Understanding Construction Law and Contracts
Construction law and contracts are essential components of the construction industry, governing the legal aspects of construction projects and defining the relationships between all parties involved. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of construction…
The Prevention Principle in Commercial Contracts for Construction Works
What is the Prevention Principle Where one party to a contract (the first party) is in breach of it and that breach in turn causes the other party (the second party) to also be in breach,…
Does a builder owe a duty of care to subsequent purchasers?
A recent ruling by the Queensland Court of Appeal underscores the narrow conditions under which a builder is obligated to exercise care towards subsequent property purchasers. In the case of Raymond v Lewis [2024] QCA 43,…