The impact of a negative google review on your business page cannot be underestimated. An adverse review can have a significant effect on your business’s web traffic and deter potential new clients from engaging your business….
Restraint of Trade – has a former employee stolen your confidential information?
Rose Litigation Lawyers have recently assisted several employers to take urgent legal action against former employees who have unlawfully taken their employer’s confidential information, trade secrets and goodwill. If you are an employer and want to…
Cyber fraud – It could be you, watch out!
Rose Litigation Lawyers has recently experienced an increase in enquiries relating to instances of cyber fraud, identity theft, internet and mobile banking fraud, as well as theft by employees and other persons in trusted positions. If…
Trial by Social Media – Depp v Heard
The defamation trial between Hollywood stars, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has taken social media by storm. You might have seen the fiasco play out in real time if you have been watching the courtroom livestream…
To Litigate or not to Litigate – That is the Question
One of the first questions many people with a legal dispute ask is whether they should commence legal proceedings. This is particularly the case for owners of small to medium businesses who must commence litigation to…